Teaching materials
materials marked with a lock icon require logging in
Life stories of migrants
Activity / B1+ / 90 min
Students will:
- revise vocabulary related to migration and bikes
- listen for specific and general information
- consider immigration with empathy
Small steps can make a big difference
Activity / B1+ / 90 min
Students will:
- practise making conditional sentences
- practise speaking and listening in a small group activity
- recognize and understand the consequences of their actions
Famous emigrants
Activity / B1+ / 90 min
Students will:
- practise vocabulary of feelings and emotions
- talk about past events in our history
- think about situations leading to migration and revise names of some famous emigrants
Open letter writing
Activity / B1+ / 90 min
Students will:
- structure and write a formal letter
- practise working with a written text and improve their reading skills
- realise their impact on society
Questions and Answers
Informational texts
- migration and refugees
- consequences of migration
- economic situation in the Czech Republic
How to reflect on emotions after the film screening
Informational texts
- Why is it important to reflect on emotions?
- Basic methods of reflection
- From reflection to discussion
📢NOVĚ: Učíme s filmem
- tipy a doporučení
- instruktážní videa
- příručky
- výukové plány
Přejít na lekci:
Teaching with documentaries: Methodological handbook
Handbook containing a collection of comprehensive activities designed for teaching with documentaries, along with the OWIS theoretical framework for English lessons.
English activities for teaching with documentaries
Informational texts
A set of activities generally applicable to working with film in English classes
Accompanying and recommended materials
Bristol Bike Project
BBP website
Kola pro Afriku
Website (in Czech) of a project focusing on donating bikes to children in Africa
Bristol Bike Project is still running
Video showing BBP today
Encyclopedia of migration
Educational project created by Charles University and other European universities
International Organization for Migration
Website of Organization for Migration
Website of an agency helping people to go volunteering all around the world