Teaching materials
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Tell the story
Activity / A2+ / 90 min
Students will:
- discuss questions related to migration
- retell the story of Giraffe the refugee, analysing the context of different situations
- suggest how to help refugees in a hosting country
What's Your Message?
Activity / A2+ / 90 min
Students will:
- discuss questions related to migration
- write a message about their feelings and thoughts evoked by the movie
- suggest how to help refugees in a hosting country
East, West, Home is Best
Activity / A2 / 45 min
Students will:
- write down collocations with the word "home"
- discuss the problems that immigrants usually face
- define the difference between migration, immigration and emigration
Questions and Answers
Informational texts
- refugees in the Czech republic
- legislature conserning migration
- asylum status - what it means
How to reflect on emotions after the film screening
Informational texts
- Why is it important to reflect on emotions?
- Basic methods of reflection
- From reflection to discussion
📢NOVĚ: Učíme s filmem
- tipy a doporučení
- instruktážní videa
- příručky
- výukové plány
Přejít na lekci:
Distance learning
Activity for distance learning
- practice of vocabulary in the following areas: home, family, animals
- creating a mind map
- learning more about the topic of migration
Teaching with documentaries: Methodological handbook
Handbook containing a collection of comprehensive activities designed for teaching with documentaries, along with the OWIS theoretical framework for English lessons.
English activities for teaching with documentaries
Informational texts
A set of activities generally applicable to working with film in English classes
Accompanying and recommended materials
The Guardian - Refugees
Articles and current news about refugees
UNHCR Website - The UN Refugee Agency
Website with information about refugees worldwide
United Nations Populations Fund
Linking population, poverty and development
International Organization for Migration
Interesting statistical information about migrants worldwide