Teaching materials
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Healthy Phone Use
Activity / A2+ / 45 min
Students will:
- Brainstorm vocabulary related to phone use
- Discuss questions about their experience with using a smartphone
- Discuss ideas that could help break harmful habits related to phone use
Questions and answers
Informational texts
- Smartphone addiction and excessive use
- Digital hygiene
- Schools' authority on phone bans
- Generational phone use gap
Jak na reflexi emocí po filmové projekci
Informational texts
- proč je důležité pracovat po projekci s emocemi
- základní metody reflexe
- od reflexe k diskuzi
📢NOVĚ: Učíme s filmem
- tipy a doporučení
- instruktážní videa
- příručky
- výukové plány
Přejít na lekci:
How to reflect on emotions after the film screening
Informational texts
- Why is it important to reflect on emotions?
- Basic methods of reflection
- From reflection to discussion
English activities for teaching with documentaries
Informational texts
A set of activities generally applicable to working with film in English classes
Accompanying and recommended materials
It’s not you. Phones are designed to be addicting.
A YouTube video about how phones and apps are designed.
Replug me
An organization dealing with digital wellbeing